Turn off booking emails
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Tasha Demkiw
You can now enable or disable which appointment notifications are sent to clinicians and patients. This helps to keep everyone informed without overwhelming their inboxes. Learn more here: http://support.hint.com/en/articles/10438977-appointment-notifications
Tasha Demkiw
in progress
Tasha Demkiw
Merged in a post:
Option to turn off Email notifications
Ethan Percy
Option to turn off Email notifications for Calendar 2.0
Tasha Demkiw
Merged in a post:
Appointment Update Email Option
Jasha Conner
The booking flow itself works fine; the issue arises when patients receive a message and email for every single change. While notifications are useful when an appointment is booked or as a reminder, we’d like the option to choose whether or not to send an email or text when adding or modifying an appointment. This flexibility would streamline communication and avoid unnecessary notifications for patients.
Tasha Demkiw
Merged in a post:
Ability to turn off booking confirmation
Emily Walkey
For specific appointment types, as needed.
Otto Shill
YES! we have been on Hint for about a week an our patients are already complaining about the number of messages they are getting and being confused. Situation.....patient standing at the front desk wants appointment, the receptionist accidentally does it on the wrong day and moves it to the correct day, then the patient decides a different time that day would be better....and they are already up to 3 messages before they even leave the clinic.